
Transnational Advocacy Network

Transnasionalisme menghadirkan ide baru mengenai berkurangnya peran dari aktor negara. Dalam keadaan ini, transnasionalisme menjadikan hubungan antar negara menjadi lebih cair. Sistem yang mengalami pergeseran ini kemudian memunculkan aktor-aktor non-negara dengan pengaruh yang signifikan. Dalam transnasionalisme, peluang aktor non-negara bisa mempengaruhi kebijakan aktor negara. Bahasan mengenai transnasionalisme atau gerakan transnasional juga tidak sebatas tentang bagaimana sebuah organisasi bergerak. Tetapi juga tentang bagaimana organisasi-organisasi itu berinteraksi di dunia internasional memberikan pengaruhnya. Dalam bahasan ini Margaret E. Keck dan Kathryn Sikkink (1998) mengedepankan sebuah konsep yang dinamakan Transnational Advocacy Networks dimana dijelaskan jenis, pengaruh dan advokasi jaringan transnasional. Jaringan advokasi bagi Margaret dan Kathryn merupakan kata kunci penting di dalam memahami jejaring global. Yang kemudian jaringan advokasi dibagi menjadi cakup

Teori Evolusi

Did modern life evolve over billions of years, or was it created directly by The God? That the gits of the debate between evolutionist and creationist which has been ongoing ever since Charles Darwin published his theory in 1859. Actualy evolution as the theory developed by Darwin’s grandfather in 1794. According evolution the earth is about 4,5 years old. And all life evolves from primitive, single cell organism. But the Quran literalist reject this and operate from the view point that Quran is the historical account of creation. Here’s how the battle has played out.
Darwin’s famous book, The Origin Species, by means of natural selection suggests millions of generations later will change and result in new species. They call animal is transitional species. And human ancestor has a head exactly a modern ape. Here I say that was absolutely wrong. If evolution was true, we should have millions of fossils that show the development of species to another species. In fact we have zero. Ape and human are different genetically. The Y human chromosome as many genes as the ape Y chromosome are not similar.

 That is also contradiction in direct to sources of Islam, Quran and Sunnah. When we look at the Quran, see that human beings living on the earth today all are descendants of Adam and Eva. How are other living things beside human? Animal,plant? Other living things that Allah created them.


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